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elcome to the Celtic Society of West Tennessee.
Gaelic: "Tha sinn toilichte do choinneachadh!" English: "We're happy to meet you!"
Thank you for visiting us!

We invite you to explore the wonderful culture of the Celts throughout our website. On the 'Celtic Links' page, there are links with information and history of the Seven Celtic Nations of Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, and Galicia.
You'll also find Celtic music, art classes, Scottish family clans, crafts, regional events,
and much much more.
All of these links are posted with you in mind to help you understand exactly what a Celt is, where they originated from and all of the delightful adventure that goes with it.

In effort to build upon the grounds of our ancestral knowledge, it is always in mind to keep family history within reach of those who are searching. Genealogy is a powerful source that will enrich the lives of anyone asking the questions "Who am I ?" and "What is my family origin?"
A great start is to look through our Celtic Links page for the section under "Genealogy." There you will find links to an open gateway of research tips, library holdings and possibly a connection to long lost family members!

bout s
The Celtic Society of West Tennessee is a stand-alone 501c3 non-profit corporation
registered and licensed with the State of TN and exists purely to raise funds for
charitable causes in the community while sharing the knowledge and
diversity of Celtic heritage with people of all cultures.
The Celtic Society of West Tennessee does not promote,
endorse, nor affiliate itself with any political or religious ideology
of any kind, for any reason.

ur organization is based in Jackson, TN but includes members from all over
TN, KY and elsewhere.
The CSWT is very proud to say that we have a great team of volunteers that devote their time, efforts and patience in working hard to put this all together.
s always, the support of our members and volunteers are a great help to us.
If you'd like to become a member of the Celtic Society of West Tennessee or just need to renew your membership with us, please visit our Membership application link.
Each year the membership fees go toward supporting charities and the costs of events. The Membership link will give you all the information you need to become part of an organization that strives to uphold charitable and educational values.

We are the Celtic Society of West Tennessee and hope that you will join us in this venture.

f you have any questions concerning the CSWT
and it's events, please use our "Contact Us" link.
Your questions are important to us.

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Now for a wee bit of information on the Celtic Nations to help you understand
what directs our purpose....

The Nine Celtic Nations

The Tribes from these nations have been spoken of by many historians, philosophers and leaders in ages past with reference to the Celtic way of life.
Numerous artifacts have been unearthed that show clear evidence of their intelligence and craftsmanship.
At one time the Celts covered nearly all of western Europe
And were the first group to sack Rome.
Today they are found on the edges of their former territory.
These Tribes are our Ancestors.
From the ambition of their hearts and the strength of their spirit, they created a culture that surrounds our being today.
Our kindred origins have journeyed long throughout the centuries and even now - the will to analyze and create still runs through our veins with a particular inherited pride.



Legend has it that in the 8th century AD, an army of Scottish & Pictish warriors were surrounded by Anglos in a fierce battle. At that moment a White Saltire appeared in the sky which encouraged them to victory.


The earliest attested use of a tri-color flag in Ireland was in 1848 when it was adopted by the Young Ireland movement. During the 1830's these colors were used for rosettes, badges, cockades and trade guild banners.


The three leg (Trie Cassyn) symbolises the sun in Norse legends and is found on their 10th century coinage. The Isle of Man motto in the year 1688 states that "Whithersoever you throw it, it will stand."


Official since the 1950's, the Red Dragon over the Tudor colors of white and green represent the Welsh dynasty that once ruled from the throne of England.


The patron St. Piran, discoverer of tin, was said to have derived the colors from the white metal in the black ashes of his fire. In 1415 this flag was carried by Cornish warriors in battle.


The 'Gwenn-ha-du', meaning white and black, is now the flag of the region Bretagne. The Bretons display the ermine spots and stripes proudly throughout their town halls and streets.


The seven crosses surrounding the golden chalice in this flag identify the rulers of the old kingdom. The blue background of the Coat of Arms was established in the 15th century.


The folklore of the area shows its Celtic origins and the traditional musical instrument is the Gaita or bagpipe.
Not only is the gaita the national instrument of the region, but they have the best bagpipe museum in the world,
with pipes from every country you could imagine and beyond!


The flag of Cantabria is made up of two horizontal stripes of equal width, white on the top and red on the bottom
and the regional coat of arms in its center, carried out by a Law of the Regional Assembly, approved on December 22 of 1984.


Is also considered by many to be a part of the Celtic nations as well.

or more information on the Celts please visit our "Celtic Links" page.
We encourage you to become a member of the Celtic Society of West Tennessee in the fulfillment of enriching the lives of others with charity and the educational discoveries of Celtic heritage.
You'll reap the rewards of a heartfelt family experience that will last a lifetime.

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